Sunday, March 28, 2010

Week 9 - eBooks, eAudio books and downloadable media (or "The end is in sight ")

Last night I downloaded a few e-books onto my iphone, all free calssic books from the applications. Watching a few funny videos on youtube about the new ipad! does make a good point about reading a screen to paper (how bad it is for your eyes). Lets digitise paper and not turn books into computers. I hope that made sense. We are about the material touch, not the adaption of thousands of years of evolution into a digital interface, which is probably only 10 years away :)

Check out this video .. a fun take on the ipad.

I visited and clicked on ebooks of the month, that's great, wuold have been great to have a top 25 list.

At that's much more attractive and inviting site with more search options.

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