Sunday, March 28, 2010

week 9 - Is this really the end? Or just the beginning ...

wow, didn't think I would make it this far and with time...

Reflect on your learning journey
What a great programme, however i now have about 10 accounts with different user names and passwords, but a great exercise to see what other services are uot there to share and store information.

At least one thing that stood out for you and how you will use it in your role.
I use most these applications already, but I think getting my head around the application from web to daily life is useful. I also think the programme will help my share with friends, family and customers how to move through the digital word and share information will be useful.

Week 9 - eBooks, eAudio books and downloadable media (or "The end is in sight ")

Last night I downloaded a few e-books onto my iphone, all free calssic books from the applications. Watching a few funny videos on youtube about the new ipad! does make a good point about reading a screen to paper (how bad it is for your eyes). Lets digitise paper and not turn books into computers. I hope that made sense. We are about the material touch, not the adaption of thousands of years of evolution into a digital interface, which is probably only 10 years away :)

Check out this video .. a fun take on the ipad.

I visited and clicked on ebooks of the month, that's great, wuold have been great to have a top 25 list.

At that's much more attractive and inviting site with more search options.

Week 9 - Podcasts (You don’t need an iPod!)

I haven't really got into Podcasts YET! but have just got an iphone and will be learning new languages, listening to the best radio stations in the world and listening to the latest news and current evens on the cycle into work. Have a few musci podcasts at the moment, really great to have foreign music being shared away from the commercial add driven content that is usually playing on the radio.

I looked at, a topic I really enjoy, so will add to my new iphone, I see there's an iphone app, sweet.

Week 9 - Discover YouTube and a few sites that allow users to upload and share videos.

My favourite video, 48 views in 5 days, not bad.... one of two videos

The sites amazing can't say enough about it, important to connect with large audiences, but you need a good editing, has to be short and quick witted. Libraries coudl do well in this space.

Week 8 - Discovering Web 2.0 tools

What did you like or dislike about the tool?

I had a look at There wasn't any info on Auckland upcoming events, but it had a few auckland bars listed. So I searched for New York.

What were the site’s useful features?

Wow, there are heaps. I really like the category searches, different options you have for searching, the most popular options and searching via friends attending etc.

Could you see any applications for its use in a library setting?

No, because it doesn't ahve NZ events being used. However the searching and category topics might be good for the Library website.

Week 8 - taking a look at some online productivity (word processing, spreadsheet) tools.

My computer crashed on the weekend and should have backed up my files on google, if only i had seen google docs last week.

Have created a file in google docs and published, I like the tempaltes you get:

Week 7 - Playing around with PBWiki

My blog is added ... not sure I'll have time to finish the rest of the course today :(

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Week 6 - de

try this link

Week 5 - what I missed in wk five "Roll your own"

wow, that's a pretty cool site pulling all your searching under one roll you own. I set up three news sites and untook a search for Auckland, here are the results
Good question, will I use it in the future.. i might add to my favs, it would save lots of time and effort everytime I wanted to search a topic.

Week 7 - Wikis

Wikis are a great way to share content for large groups of people.

Libraries learning wiki - being able to load word documents for groups to share (prevents duplicate copies, provides consistency). The added bonus of providing weblinks and setting up events is great. My only concern is that the content is away from citynet... making it unsecure... but at least the content can be edited.

Book loving wiki - great if your looking for a book review, thanks for the link

Other wiki's - I had a look at the grand rapids wiki, thought it was a good way to share informatino and help develop world library policy.

Week 6 - discovery resources

I agree with Tom's statement that we are moving to a digital lifestyle. Look at iphone's they are great lifestyle option for staying connected.

Rick Anderson's article talking about a "just in case" print collection is a new way of looking at what might happen to Auckland Cities collection in the future, but I think we are still a long way off see the print material becoming "just in case" (quote 2010).

Michael Stephen touches on a few good points, I think Libraries should be adding a huge amount of content to the web. Just over ten years ago people complained about content on the web being unreliable, now for many people it's our main source of information. Libraries play an important roll in our physical world providing information, they can also help our online world share reliable information.

Week 6 - Techorati

I'm now a member of Techroati, I tried to "claim" my blog but the link on the page didn't work, so you might say I'm unclaimed. I also undertook a search for Learning 2.0 and only found a list of off the topic issues, like Alexandra Juhasz blog on Learning from YouTude.. check out this video .. punks rock

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Week 6 - discovery resources

interesting article

The internet is a great tool for searching and sharing information. A core function of a library is searching and sharing information. I think Libraries can learn a lot from new access tools created on the internet.. how these might work for libraries.

Week 6 -

So ... on to week 6 and searching through Delicious...

Summary statement ... there are many useful things on the web, this isn't one.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Week 5 - Library Thing and things

Today I look at Library Thing, set up my account and found a few of my favourite books. Now how do you add that widget...

Week 4 - big praise for Twitter.. small tweet for RSS feeds

After setting up a google reader account and tracking a number of news stories... I just know that I'm unlikely to use this in the long term. However, if i ever get into a media roll where I need news 24/7 I could see how the customisation of this information would be useful.

NetVibes looks like an exciting development, I'm keen to spend a bit of time on this site, setting up my own homepage with all my favourites. I would find this much easier when away from my own computer and need to log in to say a personalised URL that I can never remember.

Twitt Twitt Twitter... I've had a twitter account now for about a year and a half to date have:
  • 112 tweets
  • 7 listed
  • 590 following
I use my twitter account as an intermediate between social networks. So, when I update my facebook status, it updates my twitter status which in turn updates the live feed on my website

Twitter is great for a number of reasons:
  • Connecting with people - unlike facebook twitter is more anonymous so people are more likely to connect with you, if they don't know you.
  • Simple messages - while in facebook you can write your life story, twitter keeps it restricted to key messages, makes it easier to read/understand.
  • Search Function - if you're wanting to find public opinion on a topic you can search all twitter entires, like what people think of the Black Caps win etc.
  • Listing others - it's really great that you can list other people (post others comments onto your tweet)